A Suite of Tools

Microgrid Planner is an open-source suite of web tools designed to assist with the early stages of microgrid planning. Our technology stack includes Python, MySQL, Flask, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and Docker. We are distributing our codebase as open-source software for two reasons: (1) allow others in the scientific community to deploy microgrid planning methods that would otherwise be purely methodological research endeavors, due to a lack of resources to develop the infrastructure required for deployment; and (2) encourage others to contribute to the future development of our suite of tools. We welcome both feedback and collaboration opportunities.

Software Contributors

Microgrid Planner was developed by

with contributions from

Our front-end authentication code is a modified and extended version of the Advanced Secure Login & Registration System developed by CodeShack.

Release Notes

Version 2.0 - April 2024

Version 1.1 - September 2023

Version 1.0 - March 2023

Version 0.0 - November 2021

Future Release Plans

Additional features planned for release in upcoming updates include